Poetry Lesson Plans

4th-6th Grade Field Trip Writing Activity (2019-2021): Desert Animal Metaphors
By: Wren Goblirsch
Literary Model: “Desert Bestiary, Sonnet One” by Alberto Ríos
Lesson Plan: PDF icon animalmetaphors_worksheet.pdf
Villanelle Writing Prompt
By: Chalese "Chay the Poet" Potts
Literary Model: "A Boy & His Dog" by Blake Hoena
Lesson Plan: PDF icon villanellewritingprompt_cpotts.pdf
Desert Creatures, Desert Sounds
By: Raquel Gutiérrez
Literary Model: None
Lesson Plan: PDF icon desertcreatures_raquelgutierrez.pdf
Two Truths and a Lie
By: Chalese Potts
Literary Model: None
Lesson Plan: PDF icon twotruthsandalie_cpotts.pdf
Magnet Poetry
By: Chalese Potts
Literary Model: None
Lesson Plan: PDF icon magnetpoetry_cpotts.pdf
Restrictions and the Unreliable Translator: A Multi-Modal Approach
By: Gabriel Dozal
Literary Model: Charles Bernstein’s Language Machines (adapted from Bernadette Mayer) “Translating the Untranslatable: Elfriede Jelinek in Translation” by Marginalized Margarine Queen
Lesson Plan: PDF icon restrictionsandunreliabletranslator_gdozal.pdf
REDACTED: Using Found Texts to Re-Make Meaning
By: Lisa O'Neill
Literary Model: Poems from FELON by Reginald Dwayne Betts
Lesson Plan: PDF icon redacted-lisaoneill.pdf
Color Poems
By: Chalese Potts
Literary Model: "Songalou” or poem created by the instructor
Lesson Plan: PDF icon colorpoems_cpotts.pdf
Name Poems
By: Chalese Potts
Literary Model: Poem written by instructor
Lesson Plan: PDF icon namepoems_cpotts.pdf
What We Carry: Poeming the Concrete and the Abstract, the Literal and the Metaphorical
By: Lisa O'Neill
Literary Model: "Things We Carry on the Sea" by Wang Ping
Lesson Plan: PDF icon whatwecarry_loneill.pdf
