Is there someone at home that can sing with you?
Ask them to sing DO-RE-MI-FA-SO-LA-TI-DO**(1)
It should sound like this: DO-RE-MI-FA-SO-LA-TEE-DO
Take the first 4 sounds: DO-RE-MI-FA
and add the lyrics: I LOVE YOU SKY
Now take the last 4 sounds SO-LA-TEE-DO
and add the lyrics I LOVE YOU EARTH
Take the first 4 sounds again: DO-RE-MI-FA
and this time add the lyrics: I LOVE YOU WIND
Now take the last 4 sounds SO-LA-TEE-DO
and add the lyrics I LOVE YOU SUN
Now when you feel comfortable with these lyrics and the sound of the notes they belong to go outside and take a deep breath.
Breathe in, breathe out…
Breathe in, breathe out…
Breathe in, breathe out…
Ask the adult you’re with to point out the Northern Direction (hint: if you're in Tucson, it’s where the Catalina Mountains live), then the Southern Direction, then the Eastern Direction, and then the Western Direction. Then point out the sky and then point out the earth. Once you know where everything is SING YOUR SONG in every direction.
When you’re finished singing your song do the following three times before coming back inside:
Breathe in, breathe out…
Breathe in, breathe out…
Breathe in, breathe out…
ASK your adult for a snack and to sit with you to read this poem, "Carrying Our Words," by local poet, Ofelia Zepeda, who sings beautiful poem-songs to the earth around us.
(1) **Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do was the work of Italian musician and singing teacher Guido d'Arezzo, developed toward the end of the 10th century, and forms the basis of the modern system of musical notation. (Wikipedia)