Poetry Lesson Plans

The Power of Plants to Quench Unnameable Thirst
By: Sophie Daws
Literary Model: "Brigham's tea" by Gary Paul Nabhan
Lesson Plan: PDF icon powerinplants_daws.pdf
Velvet Mesquite
By: Saraiya Kanning
Literary Model: “Velvet mesquite” by Eric Magrane
Lesson Plan: PDF icon velvetmesquite_kanning.pdf
The Poetics of Food & Labor
By: Wren Goblirsch
Literary Model: Cheshire Tongkat interview, "Dirt" by Gary Soto, "Lessons" by Jacqueline Woodson
Lesson Plan:
Ingredient Odes
By: Wren Goblirsch
Literary Model: "Dragon Fruit," by Aimee Nezhukumatathil; "The Traveling Onion" by Naomi Shihab Nye; "ode to coffee / oda al café" by Urayoán Noel
Lesson Plan:
Power of naming: a nonet writing prompt
By: Chalese "Chay the Poet" Potts
Literary Model:
Lesson Plan:
Sing to the Sky, Sing to the Earth
By: Raquel Gutiérrez
Literary Model: "Carrying Our Words," Ofelia Zepeda
Lesson Plan:
Poetry Memes!
By: Gabriel Dozal
Literary Model: “Do Memes and Poetry have Anything in Common?”
Lesson Plan:
Garden Chant Poems
By: Wren Awry
Literary Model: "My Garden Poem"
Lesson Plan: PDF icon gardenchantpoems_wawry.pdf
A Culinary Rainbow
By: Wren Goblirsch
Literary Model: Green is a Chile Pepper by Roseanne Greenfield Thong, illustrated by John Parra
Lesson Plan: PDF icon culinaryrainbow_wawry.pdf
Actividad de escritura de excursión para grados 4to a 6to (2019-2021): Metáforas de animales del desierto
By: Wren Goblirsch
Literary Model: “Bestiario del desierto, soneto uno” por Alberto Ríos (ver el poema abajo)
Lesson Plan: PDF icon animalmetaphors_lessonplan_spanish.pdf
