Poetry Lesson Plans

"Carrying Our Words"
By: Carolyn Ferrucci
Literary Model: "Carrying Our Words" by Ofelia Zepeda
Lesson Plan: PDF icon 22carryingourwords22.pdf
Hot Paper
By: Carolyn Ferrucci
Literary Model:
Lesson Plan: PDF icon hotpaper.pdf
They Never Had It Made
By: Lisa O'Neill
Literary Model: "He Never Had It Made" by Nikki Finney
Lesson Plan: PDF icon they_never_had_it_made.pdf
Promises to a River
By: Sophie Daws
Literary Model: "The Brook" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Lesson Plan: PDF icon promisestoariver.pdf
Writing from Images
By: Sevi
Literary Model:
Lesson Plan: PDF icon writingfromimages.pdf
Soil and Rocks
By: Saraiya Kanning
Literary Model: Everyone Needs a Rock by Byrd Baylor
Lesson Plan: PDF icon soil_and_rocks_.pdf
By: Saraiya Kanning
Literary Model: "Wind, Water, Stone" by Octavio Paz
Lesson Plan: PDF icon water.pdf
Scavenging for Words with Erasure
By: Sophie Daws
Literary Model: Mary Ruefle’s A Little White Shadow, excerpts taken from pages 9-11 and 15-18; and Hoa Nguyen’s poem “Autumn 2012 Poem” from Tells of the Crackling.
Lesson Plan: PDF icon scavengingforwordswitherasure.pdf
Exploring the Five Senses Through Metaphor
By: Sophie Daws
Literary Model: Wallace Steven’s poem “Someone Puts a Pineapple Together” from Rose, Where Did You get that Red? by Kenneth Koch
Lesson Plan: PDF icon exploringthefivesensesthroughmetaphor.pdf
