Readings Archive

Since 1962 The University of Arizona Poetry Center has played host to a variety of readings. The Poetry Center has sponsored poets laureate and community members alike (with many of them returning to read multiple times). This is a comprehensive list of those readings.

MLA indicates Modern Languages Auditorium.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z     all

Name Descriptionsort ascending Location Reading Date
Anne Waldman Tucson Festival of Books Kiva Room, Student Union 03/14/2010
C. K. Williams Tucson Festival of Books ILC 03/14/2009
James Wright Tribute to James Wright ..................................................... 04/02/1980
Cody Walker Summer Resident Poetry Center 08/25/2006
Ariana Waynes Reading/City Spotlight MLA 03/21/2001
Ramona Weeks Reading Student Union 10/14/1970
Keith Waldrop Reading Poetry Center 03/05/2011
Franz Wright Reading Poetry Center 04/22/2010
Richard Wilbur Reading Liberal Arts Auditorium 03/23/1964
Jay Wright Reading MLA 03/27/2002
James Welch Reading MLA 11/10/1971
David Wojahn Reading Poetry Center 01/20/2011
Mark Wunderlich Reading Shane House 11/02/1995
Writers Rally Round the Ironwood Tree Reading MLA 05/03/2000
James Wright Reading MLA 02/21/1973
G. C. Waldrep Reading Poetry Center 11/15/2012
Charles Wright Reading 04/13/1978
C. D. Wright Reading MLA 09/13/2000
David Wojahn Reading MLA 09/16/1992
Monique Wittig Reading Poetry Center/Cherry Avenue 04/02/1991
Stephen Willey Reading Poetry Center 08/21/2014
Mark Wunderlich Reading Poetry Center 09/12/2024
Michael Wasson Reading Poetry Center 04/27/2023
Joy Williams Reading Poetry Center 02/03/2022
Nicole Walker Reading Poetry Center 01/24/2019
July Westhale Reading Poetry Center 07/05/2018
Eleanor Wilner Reading Poetry Center 01/18/2018
Joy Williams Reading Poetry Center 09/14/2017
Joshua Marie Wilkinson Reading Conrad Wilde Gallery 02/21/2015
Rosmarie Waldrop Reading Poetry Center 03/05/2011
Joshua Marie Wilkinson Reading Poetry Center 08/29/2013
C. D. Wright Reading Poetry Center 09/13/2012
Catherine Wing Reading Ina Gittings Building 02/17/2012
Joni Wallace Reading Poetry Center 10/06/2011
Frances Washburn Reading Poetry Center 03/02/2011
Joshua Marie Wilkinson Reading Poetry Center 12/03/2010
Charles Wright Reading MLA 10/10/1984
Frank Waters Reading 10/24/1984
Peter Wild Reading MLA 01/29/1976
Peter Wild Reading 09/11/1985
Peter Wild Reading MLA 12/10/1970
Richard Wilbur Reading MLA 03/07/1973
Reed Whittemore Reading PMM Auditorium 01/12/1966
John Weston Reading MLA 03/25/1992
James Welch Reading MLA 03/20/1975
Roger Weingarten Reading 04/20/1978
Keith Wilson Reading MLA 11/12/1969
Robert Penn Warren Reading 04/23/1980
Diane Wakoski Reading MLA 10/06/1971
Diane Wakoski Reading Pima College 11/12/1970
Diane Wakoski Reading 09/05/1979
Diane Wakoski Reading MLA 11/20/1970
Maria Elena Wakamatsu Reading Poetry Center 03/06/2008
David Wagoner Reading 01/10/1968
Nicole Walker Reading Poetry Center 04/22/2013
Peter Wild Reading MLA 10/27/1993
Sir Angus Wilson Reading 09/26/1984
Eleanor Wilner Reading MLA 02/04/1998
Terry Tempest Williams Reading 04/06/1999
C. K. Williams Reading MLA 04/02/1986
C. K. Williams Reading 04/26/1972
C. K. Williams Reading MLA 04/16/1997
John Williams Reading MLA 11/13/1974
Terry Tempest Williams Reading MLA 03/20/1996
Saul Williams Reading Rialto Theatre 09/24/2003
John A. Williams Reading MLA 09/28/1983
Joy Williams Reading MLA 10/21/1987
Peter Wild Reading 09/22/1982
David Foster Wallace Prose Series MLA 04/03/2002
Ronaldo V. Wilson Poetry Off the Page Symposium The Rogue Theatre 05/19/2012
Ronaldo V. Wilson Poetry Off the Page Symposium Poetry Center 05/20/2012
Joshua Marie Wilkinson Poetry Off the Page Symposium Poetry Center 05/20/2012
Dan Waber Poetry Off the Page Symposium Poetry Center 05/19/2012
Joshua Marie Wilkinson Next Word Series MLA 10/26/2006
Catherine Wing Next Word Series MLA 03/22/2007
Frances Washburn Native Voices Symposium MLA 06/14/2007
Joshua Marie Wilkinson Lecture Poetry Center 02/05/2013
G. C. Waldrep Lecture Poetry Center 11/14/2012
Mark Wunderlich Interview Poetry Center/Cherry Avenue 08/22/1995
C. D. Wright Colloquium Swede Johnson 09/14/2000
Franz Wright Colloquium Poetry Center 04/23/2010
Mark Weiss Al Otro Lado/Baja Poets Reading Biblio Bookstore 03/31/2003
Orlando White 11/07/2011