Readings Archive

Since 1962 The University of Arizona Poetry Center has played host to a variety of readings. The Poetry Center has sponsored poets laureate and community members alike (with many of them returning to read multiple times). This is a comprehensive list of those readings.

MLA indicates Modern Languages Auditorium.

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Name Description Location Reading Date
Ken Lamberton Tucson Festival of Books 03/15/2009
Caroline Langston Summer Resident Reading 07/09/1997
Katherine Larson Reading Poetry Center 02/02/2012
Dorothea Lasky Lecture Poetry Center 02/22/2018
James Laughlin Interview Student Union 10/05/1983
James Laughlin Reading Modern Languages Auditorium 10/04/1983
Ann Lauterbach Colloquium Swede Johnson 03/21/2002
Ann Lauterbach Reading MLA 03/20/2002
Andrea Lawlor Reading Poetry Center 10/10/2019
Shayla Lawz Reading Poetry Center 09/22/2022
Mary Leader Colloquium Swede Johnson 10/04/2001
Mary Leader Reading MLA 10/03/2001
Li-Young Lee Reading MLA 02/07/1990
Li-Young Lee Reader Poetry Center 01/23/2020
Li-Young Lee Reading MLA 09/10/2003
David Lee Reading Poetry Center/Cherry Ave. 11/20/1995
Joseph O. Legaspi Reader Poetry Center 09/12/2019
Lawrence Lenhart Reading Poetry Center 10/20/2016
Genine Lentine Reading Poetry Center 06/27/2012
Ben Lerner Next Word Series Gallagher Theatre 11/21/2008
Denise Levertov Reading MLA 04/04/1984
Denise Levertov Reading PMM Auditorium 12/06/1967
Denise Levertov Reading MLA 11/18/1992
Denise Levertov Reading MLA 10/09/1973
Dana Levin Reading Poetry Center 08/08/2024
Dana Levin Reading MLA 03/01/2000
Dana Levin Colloquium Swede Johnson 03/01/2000
Philip Levine Reading 11/30/1977
Philip Levine Reading MLA 03/15/1972
Larry Levis Reading 01/27/1982
Elizabeth Libbey Reading MLA 10/14/1980
Gary Copeland Lilley Next Word Series MLA 02/02/2005
Ada Limón Reading Health Sciences Innovation Building 12/04/2024
Ada Limón Reading Poetry Center 04/05/2018
Ada Limón Reading Phoenix Art Museum 04/06/2018
Ada Limón Reader Poetry Center 02/20/2020
Tan Lin Reading Poetry Center 01/30/2014
Beth Lisick Reading/City Spotlight MLA 03/21/2001
Timothy Liu Reading Poetry Center 02/20/2014
John Logan Reading MLA 04/28/1976
Layli Long Soldier Reading Phoenix Art Museum 11/03/2017
Layli Long Soldier Reading Poetry Center 11/02/2017
Philip Lopate Reading MLA 03/06/1991
Phillip Lopate Reading Poetry Center 11/05/2015
Manuel Paul López Reading Poetry Center 11/02/2023
Barry Lopez Reading 11/28/1990
Daniel Lopez Native Voices Symposium MLA 06/14/2007
Barry Lopez Reading 02/09/1978
Daniel Lopez Reading CCP 01/27/1992
Barry Lopez Reading MLA 11/28/1991
Tedi López Mills Tucson Festival of Books MLA Room 311 03/13/2010
Tedi López Mills Reading MLA 03/31/2004
Pura López-Colomé Reading MLA 10/30/2002
Bojan Louis Reading Poetry Center 12/15/2022
Bojan Louis Reading Poetry Center 07/25/2019
Susan Lowell Reading Student Union 10/01/1975
Brenda Lozano Reading Poetry Center 08/29/2024
Tony Luebbermann High Tea Poetry Center/First Street 12/06/2004
Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Lecture Poetry Center 02/18/2009
Lynn Luria-Sukenick Reading 02/12/1986
Thomas Lux Reading 02/20/1980