Gallery Talk: Fuentes Rojas & the Migrant Quilt Project

Tuesday, March 12, 2019 - 6:00pm
Fuentes Rojas pañuelo and 2004-2005 Migrant Quilt Project quilt

Migrant Quilt Project founder Jody Ipsen and Fuentes Rojas local organizer Suzanne Hesh will each offer a 15-minute presentation on their work. This talk is presented in conjunction with the exhibit Broken Threads, Lives Unraveled: Fuentes Rojas and the Migrant Quilt Project.

Image credit: Detail of a Fuentes Rojas pañuelo by Suzanne Hesh and detail of Tucson Sector 2004-2005 quilt by the Migrant Quilt Project

Presented with support from


