Ani ap chugik Su:k Chu:vak Fulwilder, my name is Warm Cloud in the Akimel O’odham language. I am from various nations such as Akimel O’odham, Xalchidom Piipaash, Tlingit, Aleut and Pomo. I was raised in Salt River O’odham-Piipaash Community. I am a poet and a photographer.
Since a very young age I have been writing. Writing saved me through some very traumatic and depressing times in my life. My poetry was more so a means of survival. I never really shared it too much up until these past few years. In my late twenties, I took up film photography at Scottsdale Community College, but after graduating in 2007, I started experimenting with digital cameras.
Over the past three years I started to take my art more seriously and even took my poetry to the studio and recorded several songs my first song dropped in December 2020 “Warriors”. My youngest daughter took on a strong interest to art, together we have both had the honor of exhibiting artwork with the Sagrado Gallery. I also recited poetry for The Sagrado’s Annual Ancestral Art Exhibition and Celebration the last two years. I have performed poetry readings here in my community as well.
I am a mother of five children and newly became a Grandmother. Being a survivor of domestic violence, a mother who lost a son to suicide this last year, I find it so much more urgent to make my voice heard. I tell my story to let others know I still exist. I have not given up. I encourage those who feel voiceless to find the power to tell their own stories. In honor of my loved ones especially my Son Joaquin Dam Ka:cim Hau:pul Suniga; I vow to uphold myself to a standard of integrity and validation.