Rosa Alcalá is a poet and translator from Paterson, NJ who has been invited to give readings, talks, and workshops throughout the U.S., as well as in Mexico, Colombia, Chile, and and Tbilisi, Georgia. The New York Times describes her third and most recent book of poetry MyOTHER TONGUE as capturing “the messy emotions and miscommunications that move between languages” and a reminder of “how little precedent there is for honest writing [about mothers and daughters], compared with the epic traditions of fathers and sons.” Her poems and translations have appeared in numerous journals, including Harper’s, The Nation, Poetry, and American Poetry Review, as well as in the anthologies Best American Poetry (Scribner, 2019 & 21); American Poets in the 21st Century: Poetics of Social Engagement, edited by Claudia Rankine and Michael Dowdy (Wesleyan UP, 2018); and The Poem Is You: 60 Contemporary American Poems and How to Read Them by Stephanie Burt (Harvard UP, 2016). The recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Translation Fellowship, and runner-up for a PEN Translation Award, she is the editor and co-translator of New & Selected Poems of Cecilia Vicuña (Kelsey Street Press, 2018) Recently a Guest Editor for the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day series, she is currently a Consulting Editor for the University of Chicago Press’ Phoenix Poets Series. She is Professor and Chair of the Department of Creative Writing and Bilingual MFA Program at the University of Texas at El Paso. Her fourth book of poems, YOU, is forthcoming from Coffee House Press in 2024.