Jane Miller has performed her creative work and lectured on poetry, literature, and the fine arts at universities, colleges, libraries, community centers, and public arts venues for over twenty-five years. Currently Visiting Poet at The University of Texas Michener Center in Austin, she is the recipient of a Wallace Award for Poetry, as well as a Guggenheim Fellowship and two National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships.
Miller served as a professor for many years in the Creative Writing Program at The University of Arizona—including a stint as its Director—and is the author of ten books of poetry and Working Time, a book of essays on poetry, culture, and travel.Recent publications include Thunderbird, a book-length sequence of short poems from Copper Canyon Press, and Midnights, poetry and prose poems published with Saturnalia Press as part of their artist/poet Collaboration Series.
Who Is Trixie the Trasher? and Other Questions is forthcoming from Copper Canyon in 2018.