Geraldine Connolly is the author of the chapbook, The Red Room, as well as three full-length collections of poetry, Food for the Winter, Province of Fire and Hand of the Wind. Her poems, reviews and essays have appeared in Chelsea, The Gettysburg Review, Poetry, Shenandoah, The Georgia Review, and The Washington Post. She has been awarded two NEA fellowships, a Maryland Arts Council fellowship and the Margaret Bridgman fellowship of the Bread Loaf Writers Conference. She has won the Carolyn Kizer Award from Poetry Northwest and the W.B. Yeats Society of New York Poetry Prize. She has taught poetry workshops at the Writers Center in Bethesda, the Chautauqua Institute, and Johns Hopkins Graduate Writing Program in Washington, D.C. From 1994-2000 she served as executive editor of the literary quarterly Poet Lore. Her work has been reprinted in many anthologies including Boomer Girls: Poems by Women from the Baby Boom Generation, and Poetry 180: A Poem a Day for American High School Students.