Barbara Henning is a poet and fiction writer. Her most recent books are a collection of poetry and prose, Cities & Memory (Chax Press 2010); a novel, Thirty Miles from Rosebud (BlazeVox 2009); a collection of object-sonnets, My Autobiography (United Artists 2007); and a book of interviews, Looking Up Harryette Mullen (Belladonna, 2011). A Swift Passage (Quale Press) and A Slow Curve (Monkey Puzzle) are forthcoming. Her poems and stories have been published in many magazines, including Poetry International, Jacket Magazine, the Paris Review, and Fiction International. Barbara grew up in Detroit and has lived in New York City since 1983, with a four year hiatus in Tucson. She teaches for Naropa University and Long Island University in Brooklyn, where she is Professor Emerita.
Photograph by Michah Saperstein