Adam O. Davis is the author of Index of Haunted Houses (Sarabande, 2020), winner of the Kathryn A. Morton poetry prize and a finalist for the Big Other Book Award for Poetry. The book was named one of “15 New and Forthcoming Indie Press Gems” by Publishers Weekly and featured on the Academy of American Poets website. The recipient of the 2022 Poetry International Prize and the 2016 George Bogin Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America, Davis has received grants and fellowships from The Bishop’s School, Columbia University, the New Literary Project, the Prague Summer Program for Writers, and Vermont Studio Center. He is also, with Colin Waters, the co-creator & host of the Poetry Goes to the Movies podcast. His work has appeared widely in journals and anthologies, including The Believer, The Best American Poetry, Boston Review, The Cincinnati Review, Denver Quarterly, The Paris Review, Poetry Review, The Southern Review, West Branch, and ZYZZYVA. Born in Tucson, Arizona, Davis was raised in Scotland, Utah, France, New Jersey, and California. He holds a B.A. in Creative Writing from the University of California—Riverside and an M.F.A. in Poetry from Columbia University. He currently teaches English literature at The Bishop’s School in San Diego, California.