***SOLD OUT***
Alumni Room 205
This course will be organized around the focus of Carolyn Forché’s ground-breaking thinking in the poetry of witness. In four two hour sessions, we’ll discuss in the first hour samples of poetry written in that tradition (for example, Adrienne Rich, Jake Adam York, and Forché herself). We’ll explore the four different types of “witness,” and consider how poets approach their subjects, address their concerns, and make their poems. Out of our readings, class members will be invited to generate writing that we share each week in the second hour—responsive, creative, expansive. This course will be designed to offer a forum for participants to deepen their own generative processes in dialogue with the works we’re reading—and writing—together. The class may include some workshop type feedback if there’s interest and time allows.
Instructor Bio:
Cynthia Hogue has published fourteen books, including nine collections of poetry, most recently In June the Labyrinth (2017). She co-translated Fortino Sámano (The overflowing of the poem), from the French of Virginie Lalucq and Jean-Luc Nancy, which won the Landon Translation Award from the Academy of American Poets (2013). Her latest co-translation is Joan Darc, from the French of Nathalie Quintane. Among Hogue’s honors are NEA and Fulbright fellowships, and residency fellowships at the MacDowell Colony and the Anderson Center. Hogue served as the Distinguished Visiting Writer at Cornell University (2014) and the Maxine and Jonathan Marshall Chair in Modern and Contemporary Poetry at Arizona State University (2003-2017). She is Emerita Professor of English.