Thursdays, June 27, July 11 and 18, 2024, 5:00PM-7:00PM
Meetings will take place in the Poetry Center's Conference Room, Room 207; limit 12 students. SOLD OUT.
What is a book? To mangle William Carlos Williams, let’s define a book as a small or large machine made of paper. Students will make six such machines, ranging from a simple 3-hole one-signature chapbook, to a multiple-signature coptic-sewn binding. In between: one butterfly 4-needle sewn book, one two-signature doubled booklet, one Asian side-stitched book, and one leporello accordion book. All but the latter are non-adhesive bindings. If we have time, we’ll choose either another book form, or work independently on decorating books in various ways. A book is also a multiple picture-plane that is a container and conveyor of information and ideas, and all of these forms are adaptable for use in literary, visual, or mixed-genre projects. Let’s get bookish!
The course cost includes a $40 materials fee; students will be able to keep individual tools purchased with the fee for future use.