Giving Tuesday is almost here!

GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. It's a chance to support what you love—and in this season of giving, we hope you'll support the work we do here at the Poetry Center!

Your support makes our vast catalogue of opportunities accessible to everyone:

  • You ensure free access to our collection of over 58,000 books of poetry.
  • You support robust K-12 programming in Tucson and across Arizona.
  • You welcome hundreds of authors, rotating exhibits, rare books, and art installations.
  • You make Voca, our audiovisual archive, more accessible than ever with the new inclusion of transcriptions, captions, autoscroll, and other features!
  • And you prioritize accessibility across the board by making sure folks can experience poetry by browsing, through our free reading serious, through live streaming of events, and so much more.

Without your support, none of this would be possible.

Will you join us today, on Giving Tuesday, to ensure we can continue our mission for years to come?

Give Now


