Saturday, April 15, 11:00AM - 1:00PM
Meeting will take place in the Poetry Center's Alumni Room, Room 205; limit 12 students. SOLD OUT.
We recognize poems as poetry at once—yet their materials draw from every realm of self, world, and saying. In this workshop we'll look at some of those possibilities—how shifts of voice, grammar, structure, verb tense, mood, imagination, fact, and feeling—go into making poems that transform heart, mind, understanding, and a person's relationship to past, present, and future.
We'll look at a range of entrances to poem-making, and (with specific prompt-invitations) participants will try their hand at several over the course of this meeting. The hope is that each participant will leave with a small group of poem-starts that may take further root in their lives, and also with an expanded sense of craft-approaches for making new discoveries through language's wide-open gates.