Poetry Lesson Plans
Autobiographical and Archeological: A Poetry Lesson
Literary Model: Suzi F. Garcia’s “A Modified Villanelle for My Childhood” by Suzi F. Garcia
Lesson Plan: autobiographicalarcheological_skanning.pdf
Literary Model: Suzi F. Garcia’s “A Modified Villanelle for My Childhood” by Suzi F. Garcia
Lesson Plan: autobiographicalarcheological_skanning.pdf
Voice, Speaker, and Audience
Literary Model: “Give Yourself Some Flowers” by Marcus Amakur
Lesson Plan: voicespeakeraudience_skanning.pdf
Literary Model: “Give Yourself Some Flowers” by Marcus Amakur
Lesson Plan: voicespeakeraudience_skanning.pdf
Lost Words of the Desert
Literary Model: Excerpt from the Lost Words (see lesson plan .pdf)
Lesson Plan: lostwordsofthedesert_kanning.pdf
Literary Model: Excerpt from the Lost Words (see lesson plan .pdf)
Lesson Plan: lostwordsofthedesert_kanning.pdf
A Poem About Joy
Literary Model: "Sorrow Is Not My Name" by Ross Gay
Lesson Plan: poemaboutjoy_fowlerchapman.pdf
Literary Model: "Sorrow Is Not My Name" by Ross Gay
Lesson Plan: poemaboutjoy_fowlerchapman.pdf
Found Poetry from Student Conversations
Literary Model: None
Lesson Plan: foundpoetry_taylorjohnson.pdf
Literary Model: None
Lesson Plan: foundpoetry_taylorjohnson.pdf