Saturday, October 28, 9:30AM - 12:30PM
Meeting will take place in the Poetry Center's Alumni Room, Room 205; limit 12 students. It will be followed by lunch catered by Tumerico, with guest Julie Regalado from Watershed Management. SOLD OUT. Contact Paola Valenzuela at valenzuela9@arizona.edu to get on the waitlist.
Human bodies are largely comprised of water, as is the planet. In the climate crisis, reports of aquatic catastrophes from droughts to floods increasingly swirl. Yet more than dying, water is life-giving, quencher of thirst, nutrient of seeds and soil, aquifer and river, wave and tide. In this writing workshop, we reimagine the liquid presence of water in our words—poetry, nonfiction, fiction, between & beyond—rippling between lines and sentences, paragraphs and poetics of place, even pulsing under our skins.
This generative workshop inaugurates a seasonal series of workshops at the University of Arizona Poetry Center around natural elements to bridge ecologies. The series is a sister effort to immersive short courses on Literary Ecologies taught by Gretchen at the Oak Spring Garden Foundation in Virginia. Participants can take one workshop by itself, or grow a practice of relational ecologies between places over time.