Saturday, November 2nd, 2024, 9:30AM - 12:30PM in the Poetry Center's Alumni Room, Room 205; limit 12 students. SOLD OUT.
The Poetry Center will also host a a catered lunch by Tumerico with a presentation from Sterling Johnson from Native Seeds/SEARCH as part of the class. Lunch and presentation will be held on December 7th from 12PM - 1PM.
From dust to dirt, sediment to soil: what lies underfoot reflects the human condition. Amid over-extractions of the Earth’s diminishing resources, resilient seeds persist, even replenish. In this writing workshop, we reimagine the place of earth in our words—poetry, nonfiction, fiction, between & beyond—seeding renewable possibilities through lines and sentences, paragraphs and poetics of place, to unearth care for what may otherwise be trampled. Where language lies fallow, let’s tend to native seeds and even weeds that may grow.
This generative workshop is the third in a seasonal series of workshops at the Poetry Center around natural elements to bridge ecologies. The series is a sister effort to immersive short courses on Literary Ecologies taught by Gretchen at the Oak Spring Garden Foundation in Virginia. Participants can take one workshop by itself, or grow a practice of relational ecologies between places over time.