When you get past ambition, publication, professionalism, and the culture wars, why are we writing and what is it we are given to write? And what does silence (non-language) have to do with it? In this three-hour workshop, we’ll practice some meditation and explore the relationship of silence to self, self to language, language to the process of writing, and writing as path. This will involve writing experiments, intimate discussion (probably in small groups, in part), and a willingness to throw away, at least for the evening, everything we thought we knew and open ourselves up to the surprise that can only occur when we know we don’t know what we are doing.
Register here.
Tuition: $45
Norman Fischer will also appear at the following venues around town:
Tuesday, February 12 at 7:00 p.m.: Dharma Talk hosted by Zen Desert Sangha, 3226 N. Martin Avenue (suggested donation: $10)
Wednesday, February 13 at 2:00 p.m.: Poetry reading at the UA Modern Languages Building, Room 451 (free and open to the public)
Wednesday, February 13 at 6:00 p.m.: Talk and book signing at Antigone Books, 411 N. 4th Avenue