***SOLD OUT***
Class Meetings: Eight consecutive Mondays, September 11-October 30, from 6:00-8:00PM, in the Poetry Center Conference Room 207.
This eight-week workshop will be a place to examine the many decisions we make as writers. Each week, with the help of selected readings and prompts, we will explore the revision process, what drives our impulses in poems, how we make choices in our writing, and how to strengthen—or at least understand—each new draft. This course will focus on the fundamentals of poetry, including syntax, diction, lineation, image, address, and rhetorical devices, while also building upon the ability to revise our own work through creative strategies, hands-on revision, sharing, and exploring.
Revisioning is open to writers of all levels who want to take a fresh look at previous work, learn strategies for revision, generate new work, to share and workshop with other students, to close read poems, and to expand on ideas of revision.