Conventions of Short Fiction

Eight Mondays: June 2 through July 21
6:00 to 8:00 pm
Tuition: $255 + $15 course material fee = $270 total

This eight-week course will concentrate on the craft and structure of the short story. Our focus will be on ten specific elements of short fiction that allow writers to compose clear, direct prose, and as a result to better communicate with the reader. Issues of plot, character, and efficiency in storytelling will be addressed through the use of contemporary short fiction by writers as varied as Dennis Lehane, Antonya Nelson, Tobias Wolff, Raymond Carver, Lydia Davis, and Dan Chaon. Students will have the opportunity to produce (and revise) at least one piece of their own for the class to workshop. Participants will leave with tangible, demonstrable skills and a clearer sense of both story and the process of creating it.

What Ted's students say about his fiction workshops

"Simply put, Ted knows his stuff. His approach is to lay out a handful of tangible rules for fiction writing without hindering experimentation (as long as you have a good reason for it). If I hadn't had him as a teacher, I wouldn't have the degree of insight into the creative process that I have today."

"Ted did something I had never seen before in a classroom---he got 100% of the students engaged, critically thinking, and truly wanting to better their writing. Every single student tried their best because we didn't want him to have anything less from us."

"I have never learned more in a fiction course than I did in Ted's workshop. His personal feedback not only provides ways to improve your current work, but gives a framework for how to continually develop your writing beyond the course."

"I was always jealous of those who said they took classes they loved so much that they didn’t feel as though they were working and yet they would literally leave class smarter. During my last semester in college, with Ted, I finally was able to experience a class like this. With not only the funniest professor I have ever had, but also just one of the funnier people I have ever met, I was taught an astounding amount of material and enjoyed it."

Read an interview with Ted here!

Sign up here!
