Sidewalk Chalk Poetry


This semester, I taught in an English Language Development classroom at Mansfeld Middle School. We spent seven weeks exploring poetry from around the world and writing about ourselves, our lives, and our homes. For our final class, we moved the classroom outside so the students could chalk their final poems on the school grounds. They embraced the opportunity to create public art and share their words with the rest of the school. Below are some images from that day.



Brook Bernini is a Writing the Community workshop leader, teacher and organizer guided by a commitment to working for social justice. She currently teaches GED classes at Pima Community College, where she has had the opportunity to focus on the art of teaching and developing curriculum, and is loving learning from and with the students there. She engages in migrant, racial, and climate justice organizing. Originally from Massachusetts, Brook moved to Tucson in 2001 and immediately fell in love with the desert and the community here. Her years of living in the borderlands have instilled a love of language and an appreciation for the ways learning a language opens up new understandings. Brook holds a Masters in Geography from the University of Minnesota, where she was driven by a desire to learn about how solidarity economic efforts can effectively be fostered as a way to both increase economic security and social equity. She enjoys dancing wherever and whenever possible, writing, growing food, and biking and hiking as ways to experience the world around her.  

