The Poetry Coalition, of which the University of Arizona Poetry Center is a founding member, will benefit from a $200,000 grant from the Ford Foundation. To be given over two years, the grant, which will be administered by the Academy of American Poets, will enable the founding members of the coalition to produce national programs on themes of social importance that feature leading contemporary poets. It will also strengthen a network of poetry organizations by making possible two annual meetings of the founding members during the grant term.
Current members of the Poetry Coalition working group are:
Academy of American Poets, New York, NY
Asian American Writers’ Workshop, New York, NY
Beyond Baroque, Los Angeles, CA
CantoMundo, New York, NY
Cave Canem Foundation, Brooklyn, NY
Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival, Newark, NJ
Kundiman, New York, NY
Lambda Literary, Los Angeles, CA
Letras Latinas, Notre Dame, IN
Mass Poetry, Boston, MA
National Student Poets/Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, New York, NY
O, Miami, Miami, FL
The Poetry Center, San Francisco, CA
The Poetry Foundation, Chicago, IL
The Poetry Project, New York, NY
The Poetry Society of America, New York, NY
Poets House, New York, NY
Split This Rock, Washington, D.C.
University of Arizona Poetry Center, Tucson, AZ
Urban Word / National Youth Poets Laureate, New York, NY & Los Angeles, CA
Wick Poetry Center at Kent State University, Kent, OH
Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee, WI
“The University of Arizona Poetry Center is thrilled to be a part of this historic alliance of peer organizations,” said Executive Director Tyler Meier. "Through our collective efforts, the Poetry Coalition is helping create new awareness about the role poetry and poets play in our culture, making more visible the way poetry can help us relate--through empathy, recognition, and imagination--to the complex social challenges that vex our moment. We’re excited to be participating in this national network through our ongoing work in Tucson at the Poetry Center.”
The Poetry Coalition, which formally launched in November 2016 after a year of planning, is an alliance of more than 20 nonprofit poetry organizations in 11 cities working together to raise the profile of poets and poetry in the United States. Its inaugural programming began in March 2017 with We Come From Everything: Poetry & Migration, which reached 100,000 individuals with publications, readings, and social media projects.
Poetry Coalition members believe that poetry can uniquely spark dialogue and contribute to encouraging empathy.
For more information about the Poetry Coalition, please visit: