The Poetry Center joins our Tucson community, our colleagues, and our collaborators in denouncing white supremacy and the horrifying murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many other Black people who have been victims of racial violence and systemic state-sanctioned and institutionalized oppression. We protest conditions that normalize this violence and stoke division. Through our programs, events, collections, curation and organizational structures, we recommit to actively and earnestly work to deliver an agenda that makes plain the legacy of racial violence in our country and in the broader culture, and to work for a world where Black Lives Matter.
We acknowledge, as an organization, that we can and must do more in the name of social justice and anti-racism, building on past efforts. We commit to this work in the weeks and months ahead: by featuring and amplifying the voices of Black and Brown artists and poets, by educating ourselves, by listening, by collaborating, and by celebrating the power of the imagination oriented toward justice.
Tyler Meier
Executive Director
University of Arizona Poetry Center