Arizona Poets is a series featuring 20 poets from Arizona in honor of our 60th Anniversary. These poets have all visited the Poetry Center and recordings of those visits are available in our audiovisual archive, Voca. Click here to learn more about our anniversary and here to see the rest of this series.

TC Tolbert has served as Tucson’s Poet Laureate since 2017. S/he identifies as a trans and genderqueer feminist, collaborator, mover, and poet. And, s/he’s a human in love with humans doing human things. S/he is author of Gephyromania, five chapbooks, and co-editor of Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics.
See more of Tolbert's work on Voca.
It’s spelled s-h-e but the s is silent.
Isn’t that the way it is anyway. No two plurals in the world.
Territories of Folding. Tucson: Kore Press, ©2011.